Category Archives: stuff

Stuff Recap

I know, I have been terrible about doing a recap for all the posts I have written elsewhere. In my defense, I have been too busy recently to write for anywhere except A Nervous Tic, so my articles have not been spread out every which way. Which is by the way the way the worst defense ever. Thank God I never attempted law school.

For your viewing pleasure I will link all my Nervous Tic articles since our last recap.

Energy Shortage

The Golden Age of Glory

Rejection is sad

Bra Shopping: It’s Complicated

A letter to my duck…

Oh The Frustration!

Fashionably Fantasizing

I need to learn how to read… among other thing…

A letter to Taylor Swift

Pretty Little Liar

Cleaning Catharsis


Past, Present, and Future Stuff

Before I present the list of articles I have written across the vast internets… I would like to announce Confessions from the Crib will be moving. It will be better than ever, much more user friendly, and just all around more awesome.
I am sure you are asking where I will be moving… and as soon as I get the new place fixed up you are all going to be invited. Keep checking back. Until the new site is running properly I will still be posting here and business will continue as usual. This includes my pregnancy series, and other fun stuff.
For now, I hope the following will entertain.
Is there anything you particularity want to see me cover? Any topics you care to hear my take on?

Glorious Stuff

First, I would like to start by saying that the picture featured above has absolutely nothing to do with anything in this post. But seriously, how cute are those mittens?
Well, I have been at it again, doing stuff. Not as much as I would have liked, but I have been working crazy hours at the office again, so hopefully these three fabulous articles will entertain plenty.