Category Archives: drive

Um… Today?

I think my son has a crush on me. I also think that is called “mommy issues.” Ducky, who is one and a half has a vocabulary of about ten words. And two of them are “mommy hot!” I was creeped out and hysterically laughing at the same time. At his age shouldn’t he have a crush on Dora or something? For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it is one of those interactive shows for kids. And I don’t know what is weirder, talking back to the cartoon on TV or the awkward silence as she stares at you waiting for an answer.
“How many keys am I holding?”
I stare at the screen as she stares back at me. I look around the room. I give in.
Followed by my daughter: “Good job mommy!”
I can count to five. I should get a sticker for that. Which is more than I can say for my other counting skills.
I had a birthday outing recently (two months ago), and only two people showed up. Apparently you can only turn thirty so many times before people stop coming.
I guess I should turn 40 soon. I don’t know. I have been lying about my age for so long I am not sure where I am. I looked at my driver’s license to try to figure it out. But I am terrible at math. I came up with 19, and that is probably not right.
I guess I will just be 30 for a few more years. But that is okay. In my family you can say you are thirty until you are in your fifties, and no one notices. I mean, my dad is in his seventies, and women are still saying “OH MY GOD your dad is so hot!!” First of all, don’t ever say that again! Second of all, yeah, OK, maybe.
I still don’t like to admit it. I know my mom thought that at one point. But that is as far as I want to go with that.
As I was driving down PCH today (pictures to follow on Wordless Wednesday), I had my Fleetwood Mac CD on (Rumours). The kids were occupied with toys in the back seat and I was singing along with Gold Dust Woman, Oh, Daddy, and The Chain.
If you are curious (and you should be, because these are amazing songs!):
Gold Dust Woman (one of my all-time favorite songs)
I just found out Fleetwood Mac is coming to the Hollywood Bowl in May. I am very excited because I never thought I would see them. According to my math skills, they were famous many years before I was born. I tried buying tickets tonight but they are not on sale yet. By the way, Tanya, don’t make plans on May 25th. Just in case I manage this.
If not, they will be playing up north in the fall. And I happen to be presenting a paper in the same area in October. So if I could just manage to time these two events properly…Maybe…
Knowing my luck that is never going to happen.
In fact I haven’t even checked because I know that is never going to happen. I have terrible planning skills. At this point I am just concerned with getting myself to Washington in a timely fashion.
Speaking of which, I was totally going to tell you about Malibu. But I won’t because that upset Hubby. He got very mad today because I took the kids to the beach. Apparently I am not allowed. I was unaware of the new “No Beach” rule.
Text message convo:
Hubby: How far away from home are you?
Me: At the beach.
Hubby: You are at the beach again?!
Me: Yes.
Hubby: You didn’t tell me you were going to the beach.
Me: It just happened.
Hubby: It always “just happens.” Your compass points to the beach. If I blindfolded you, you could find your way.
He is right. I am very attracted to large bodies of water surrounded by sand.
I did find a new Starbucks today. That always gets me excited. And the kids. Another one of the ten words Ducky can say is Starbucks. And he says it with enthusiasm. We went to this new Starbucks by the beach and the kids were thrilled. Mommy was caffeinated. Everyone was happy.
Who knew so much could happen in one day.