Category Archives: westley

Wordless Wednesday

Ducky sleeping on the way back from the airport.
I sat at this red light four times… took a picture of the pretty church across the street. And no, this picture doesn’t have a filter on it. The bluish tint is from my car windshield… I think…
Gigi sleeps on my lap while I read in bed at night…
I took them on the trolley… several times.
Tanya came to visit me at work, and brought coffee… Westley came along…. So basically Westley brought me coffee… Thank you tiny cute baby!

Westley Again

I was going to wait until tonight to post pictures, but since my friend’s birthday thing isn’t until 9:30 p.m. I haven’t the slightest clue when I will be home, or how tired I will be.As is I am pretty tired, having run errands all day, but I did stop in to see Tanya and her new baby for a bit, and these pictures are seriously too cute not to post immediately.

Holding little Westley… as he tried nursing me.

And then sleeping soundly….
If the Lock an Key is as good as their website says (which isn’t much), then there will be another little photo journal later. Or I might just come home and go to sleep. We’ll see.


Welcome Westley!

In the middle of the night last night, at 2:13 a.m. Tanya gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Westley.

Congratulations, Love!
Despite having gone to the hospital, (and will be going back not long from now), I have yet to see more than a few pictures of him, he is in the NICU. He is fine, just a couple of things that required precautionary measures, and when it comes to tiny babies, precautions are good. Hopefully I will get to meet him within the next twenty four hours.
Heaven knows we have all waited long enough to meet him.
In a month or two, when his immune system is all healthy, I will bring my kids over to meet their new little “cousin.”
Just to note, my daughter is born on my dad’s birthday, and Tanya, who is like my sister, had her son on my mom’s birthday. Interesting.
Also, yes, it is my mother’s birthday today, and no, I am not ignoring her, she will get her own blog post in just a second (even though she totally ditched me today to go to Palm Springs with her friends!).
In the meantime, here are a few pics of little Westley.
Awww… she looks so happy!
Casey with his new son…
P.S. Tanya, you are going to make an amazing mother!
P.P.S. If ever in doubt, just remember, you couldn’t possibly screw your kid up more than I have done to mine. I pelted my son with stuffed animals, and as a result he is terrified of spiders. Just keep that in mind.