Category Archives: game

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“In this copy (unlike Hengwrt), marginalia must have been anticipated because of the column ruled to receive it.”

Well then… um… I guess me and my manuscripts are happy with each other…

Fun With Geography!

I am not one for internet games. I have a handheld gaming device that I use on a regular basis. But I am not sure that would be considered so much a game as a logic puzzle, or my sudoku which most people would not consider very much fun. I also have a video game with word definitions and anagrams. Well, today I found another game, and I have been playing it for over an hour. Geoguesser is geography game powered by Google.

Basically you get placed somewhere on Earth, and you get to move around, down the street, left right, as if you were navigating Google maps (because you are). You continue moving about until you figure out what part of the world you are in. I am actually surprised how good I am at this. I mean, it would be easy to identify places I have actually been, but apparently all those detective games I have been playing on my Nintendo DS that has me find clues to piece together some sort of puzzle has paid off because I am coming within a mere few hundred miles of the actual location each time. Keep in mind I have the whole world to work with, so getting within a few hundred miles is pretty darn accurate. At first I was just aiming to be within the same continent and/or country. But now I am angling for actual cities. So far I have come close, but have only hit the city a couple of times (and only on the completely obvious ones).

I found the easiest way is to look for street signs of any kind. While actual street names or even town names aren’t very helpful, it gives away the language. Also, any other type of signs are helpful (establishment names, sides of a bus, etc). If you can find a well known company, then you can pretty much guess the city if you know where it is, or come in extremely close.  From there you can narrow it down by architecture and type of city. Rural? Suburb? Urban? Any water? Foliage? What kind of cars, if any? After a few rounds I started picking up on the more subtle things I should be looking for.

For the last two rounds I have been within a hundred miles of the destination. If I ever get kidnapped and transported to a different part of the world, I should be able to figure out where I am by walking around on the street. Or I could just ask somebody.

P.S. Shortly after I originally posted this a friend of mine messaged me to remind me I have no sense of direction. She is right, I don’t. I am not saying that I could ever find my way home from any of these places, but simply that I would be able to identify where I am. In fact, I couldn’t find my way out of a paper bag. *But* I would know that I am *in* a paper bag. And I think that is half the battle. So should I find myself in a strange land, I would simply find accommodations. What? I am in Tijuana? Well then I will just make myself at home.

Best Super Bowl Game To Play

I know I have been completely MIA for the past week (probably more). I have been swamped at work. I decided it was a good time to finish up my MA… so that is eating away at my nights, and every other spare moment I may have at one point had. Ironically, I have been writing so much for school, my personal writing has been suffering. I just reread an article I had written a few days ago and was completely horrified…. Did I seriously write this? I apologize to anyone who read it.
Ducky has been terribly sick, and it was only a matter of time before I got terribly sick. Without further whining, let’s just say this has been an exceptionally yucky week, and hopefully next week will be better… hopefully…
I did at one point have a topic for this article, and it had to do with the Super Bowl. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would be excited about a football game. Honestly, I am not excited about the game, but I am ecstatic at the opportunity to see all the people I have not seen in a long time (we are hosting the Super Bowl party at our house, which is always fun).

If you too are hosting the game at your house, or are attending such a game, here is a great game we have played during the Super Bowl that gets everyone involved, even for those of you who are not football fans (myself included).


Everyone that is playing puts $1 into the cup.

The cup then rotates between players for every play from scrimmage (ie 1st down = player 1, 2nd down = player 2, etc).

If a score happens (TD, Field Goal, Safety) while holding the cup, that player takes the money in the cup.

Players shall get 2 plays to hold the cup if their 1st turn occurs during a kick off, if the rest of the kick off is a “touch back” (meaning the ball is downed in the end zone and no return was attempted).

We have been playing this game for a few years now, and it always is a crowd pleaser.

What are some of your favorite Super Bowl activities?