40 Weeks of Pregnancy – Week 37

Happy Monday! And welcome back to another installment of my week by week pregnancy guide. If you want to catch up with previous weeks, then feel free to scroll to the bottom.
Week 37
Your baby is now breathing inside of you. It sounds creepy, but it is actually kind of cute. At this point everyone was saying I should take a tour of the hospital where I would be delivering. I didn’t get a chance to, and honestly I don’t think I would have cared. When you get there you will be wheeled straight into the delivery room. After which you will be taken to your room, and you will be there until you go home. With Munchie I was in the hospital for the whole mandatory two days. With Ducky my doctor sent me home same day. So really, whether or not the hospital chooses to display O’Keefe or Monet in their hallways doesn’t matter. Skip the tour. Go get some ice cream instead. Unless of course you are lactose intolerant, in which case don’t. But feel free to skip the tour anyway.
Some doctors will want to induce during this week. If so, find out why. If there is a legitimate health reason, such as preeclampsia, or other factors, then by all means, trust your doctor. However, I have friends who’s doctor had them induced without any valid reasoning aside from scheduling convenience. Sorry, that is not a good enough reason for me. And it shouldn’t be for you either.
Now your doctor will want to see what position your little one is in. Until now your baby was probably doing somersaults. Which was fine. But at this point his head should be down, otherwise you have a breech. If so, then your doctor may try turning the baby over from the outside. This can be very painful for you, as it is something like a violent massage. But it does not hurt the baby in any way. If this doesn’t work, then you play the waiting game. You may not go into labor as soon as you might think, giving the baby time to rotate on his own. However, once you are in labor and he still hasn’t turned, you are most likely looking at a c-section. As scary as this may sound, it is not the end of the world. You will recover, and at this point, the best thing you can do is trust your doctor. However, until you are actually in labor with a breech baby, trust your instincts.
Two weeks to go!!
If you want to catch up…  

Week 15 

Week 23 

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